The idea for this plane started about a week ago when my son requested that I design a new sport plane for him that would be a blast to fly.
We spent some time discussing what he wanted his new plane to be abled to do, and we settled on a full fuselage, mid wing design with a KFm airfoil.
The wingspan was 40", with a straight leading edge and a tapered trailing edge. The KFm step was a constant 5" back from the leading edge. That put the step at 40% at the fuselage, and 50% at the wingtip.
d a tapered trailing edge. The KFm step was a constant 5" back from the leading edge. That put the step at 40% at the fuselage, and 50% at the wingtip. He wanted the plane to be able to perform some 3D maneuvers, so the control surfaces and fuselage were created with that in mind. I spent last week drawing the plans up, so that when he came home from college Friday evening, everything would be ready to go.
He started working on the plane Saturday morning, and finished it around 3:30 pm Sunday afternoon.
Even though it was a bit breezy, we took plane out back for its maiden flight anyway. It flew very well. He was pleased to see how well mannered the plane performed very slow flight.
It also hovered quite easily and rolls were crisp, but not excessively fast. Wind penetration was excellent.
this is the simplest guide on making a flying airplane/a flying toy at home ,it is made from completely waste products,i made it string guided so no need for RC remote controller u can ask any...