LYZRC L109S Matavish 3 Brushless GPS Drone with 50x Zoom HD Camera Flight Review
Flight review of the new LYZRC L109S Matavish 3 GPS drone with HD camera and 50x digital zoom.
(Currently on sale for $136.99 at Banggood)
UPDATE: Thanks to QC101 for pointing out in the comments the nearly unnoticeable film over the lens that was causing the video to look blurry and terrible. This protective film is difficult to see and will surely be missed by a lot of people. I certainly didn`t notice it. I`m going to make a follow-up video with footage with the film removed. I`ll include the link here once it is posted.
This model airplane is a trainer, an evolution of the project we made some time ago, the Joytrainer, that airplane was big and cool, it was based on the Simple Storch by Flitetest, some people...