RC Airplane Build Stand

Hey everyone, real quick "how-to" video here. We have officially started building the Carbon Cub 15cc and, anticipating some upcoming steps in the manual, we needed a build stand!!

So we decided to just make one out of PVC pipe, some fittings, and a little creativity. We followed a picture/build post from RC Universe but we changed a couple things slightly dimension-wise. We will post the original link below and also list the changes we made. We have about $20 into this stand, so for our purposes it`s perfect, cheap, and we didn`t have to wait for anything to come in the mail!!

Original Build Stand - https://www.rcuniverse.com/articles/how-to/how-to-make-an-airplane-stand/ What we changed/used - - added a "V" at the top by using a 3 way 90 degree joint on each end - used 1/2" PVC (plenty strong) instead of the 1" from the original design - "V" arms 7 1/2" long (4) - leg extensions 5 1/2" long (4) - connector pieces 1 1/2" (8) - cross bars 20" long (2) - T fitting`s. (6) - 90 degree fittings (6) - 3 way 90 degree corner (2) - plug ends (4) - caps (4) - 1/2" foam insulation wrap (1 section) In hindsight, we would not have used the caps on top of the V arms but used plug ends instead. The caps bulge the foam out too much and don`t add any benefit. The plugs would be a much cleaner look up top. We originally used 1/2" foam insulation but 3/4" probably would have been better fit. We will probably change to them! Good luck have fun!

Free RC plane

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