See Electronic Ignition. Ultralight Weed Wacker Engine Converted to RC, Gas Mixed 40:1 premium fuel and oil.
Only 6 inch smaller wingspan then the Top Flight Giant Scale P 51D Mustang. Nephew tripping over the tail and almost wrecking the plane! I have a special tool to adjust the carb (straight screwdriver bit with grip u0026 dremeled grooves in the two carb adjusting screws for quick tuning) It features custom dual straight pipe exhaust system, custom lathed aluminum prop shaft, original ignition system (lightened by grinder and drill), upgraded custom flaps that retract out of the wing, custom retractable landing gear. War stripes painted, pilot smoking a phatty!
Double trouble two design scheme. 3 blade propeller 14 x 6, I modded the nose cone for 3 blades (can`t find one to fit) I made my own engine starter with a drill, a bolt, nut and some washers. Just bought a rubber starter cone for $5 and rigged it up. Cheap DIY engine starter. 76.5" wingspan made in china or something. Wing re-covered when I installed the custom designed flaps and retracts. Plane weighs about 13 lbs. Engine will soon be upgraded either to Electronic Ignition system or back to a 4 stroke YS 120 Nitro engine. I shaved the weight of the engine to about 2.7 lbs with stock flywheel and magnets. (You`re better off working and buying an RC engine than doing the amount of work it takes to convert a weed eater!)
Justin skimmed over a small but important step! The GoPro power cable needs to be soldered into the 5 volt power source going into the FPV video transmitter on the drone
How do you get that stick time while quarantined indoors? Mobula 6 is the answer! A small 65mm fpv whoop that weights only 20g, can safely fly indoors and in small outdoors spaces