How to make an RC flying wing

Let`s build an airplane that has no definite fuselage. An RC flying wing, some people call it zagi wing but it`s the same, these kind of aircraft are very unstable and need a special airfoil to help have a stable flight, so CG is critical as well to help, I struggled a bit balancing and experimenting with it and its stability, but in the end I managed to have a decent stable flight.

Download the plans and templates here.

CG calculator:

List of materials and tools:

-Foam...You can use any kind of foam, if you use epp sheets then the building technic is different.
-Epoxi glue.
-Wood rods.
-Balsa wood.
-Colored tape or packaging tape.
-All electronics (list and links below).
-Foam cutter (make one at home).
List of electronics you can use.

Metal gear servos
Motor or
Battery charger
FPV camera

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Теги: zagi, foam, flying wing
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