Volantex Trainstar Ascent 1400 maiden

Volantex Trainstar Ascent 1400 maiden. This is a big, great looking and very well behaved high wing trainer or camera carrier. A delight to fly with smooth control and no bad habits. Only down side is the bottom battery hatch and no other access into the fuselage. But it would be perfect base for whatever mods you can think of.
I would consider adding flaps, more access hatches and camera mounts.

Two props supplied, maybe 3S (12x6) and 4S (10x6)
Flying weight with 3S 3000mAH - 1550g
Max current on 3S (12x6 prop) - 35A
CG 65mm, right on the factory marks (not 53mm as stated in the manual)

Volantex Trainstar Ascent 1400mm (Banggood) - http://rcmove.ru/hyi

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