3D PRINTED PLANE! Printing Some Wings on the Creality CR10

First prints of the Edge 540 R/C plane wings are successful! We have a plane!

I printed the wings for the 3dlabprints Edge 540 aerobatic RC plane successfully on the CR-10 after a tonne of trial and error tuning the settings in Cura. Getting the stringing & spider-webs to a minimum was quite difficult until I found the settings that worked for my PLA filament. I`m running this at 205 degrees on the hot end, 60C on the bed and the rest of the settings can be found in the link below. Download and import into Cura an you should be all set.

Creality 3D printer: http://rcmove.ru/8yj
Discount code 20% off for CR -10 3D printer: bg3dprinter

CR-10 Settings and files in my GitHub Repo: https://github.com/MKme/cr10

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