How to make video

FPV SU-35 Formation Flight With 3D Printed P-38 - HD 50fps

RC Plane Poster  0  2768
Mind blowing air to air footage from my SU-35 while FPV formation flying with a 3D printed P-38 !!


3D printed RC Shark , 1/8 scale - 2nd prototype test flight

RC Plane Poster  0  2207
More than 10 minutes flight with the 2nd prototype 3D printed RC Shark, 1/8 scale, 990 mm wingspan, 940 g take-off weight



Great RC Plane for Beginners - A160 J3 - Review

RC Plane Poster  0  1234
Ready to Fly out of the box



Hangflug mit VAYU Nurflügel Brett

RC Plane Poster  0  1471
Hangflug mit Brett Nurflügel VAYU



XK A160 J3 Super Cub 6G Gyro Beginners RC Plane Park Flyer Flight Review

RC Plane Poster  0  1619
XK A160 RC J3 Super Cub Airplane is equipped with a 6G 3D Gyro System and offers absolutely easy to fly and very stable flight performance