Комментарии пользователей (264)

RC Plane Poster commentedWorking instructions Extra 300 – 3D Printable 4 may 2019 in 15:51

You can read the article more closely. 3D printer settings are indicated in it.

RC Plane Poster commentedExtra 300 4 may 2019 in 15:48

An example of 3D printer settings can be viewed in this article:

Amine commentsWorking instructions Extra 300 – 3D Printable 3 may 2019 in 23:18

Nice model.
Can you give me a video of building

Tom commentsExtra 300 1 may 2019 in 14:48

Nice model.
How "Body and Wing"Perimetr and infill??

Tom commentsWorking instructions Extra 300 – 3D Printable 1 may 2019 in 14:47

Nice model.
How "Body and Wing"Perimetr and infill??

RC Plane Poster commentedExtra 300 28 april 2019 in 00:59

Hacker A50-12 S V4 kv480

Michael commentsExtra 300 27 april 2019 in 20:23

what motor would you recommend for this plane? 0

RC Plane Poster commentedAngry Birds 8 march 2019 in 18:16

How to translite a plans:

RC Plane Poster commentedJetstream 8 march 2019 in 18:15

See the article:

anon commentsJetstream 6 march 2019 in 11:23

english plans? 0

Tomas commentsJetstream 5 march 2019 in 15:13

could you possibly add a step and put an edf in it to create a seaplane 0

RC Plane Poster commentedAngry Birds 21 february 2019 in 11:31

Everything is clear from the context. The captions on the drawing are in German.

Ed commentsAngry Birds 21 february 2019 in 10:19

Can anyone translate the plans into English or tell me where to find them in English. Thanks you ED 0 commentsPinkus EXTRA 18 february 2019 in 08:12

Did you sell the pinkus extra kit 0

RC Plane Poster commentedSpitfire v2 combat plane 3 june 2018 in 17:27

Левая колонка - Download Free Plans RC Model smile

Алексей commentsSpitfire v2 combat plane 3 june 2018 in 14:12

А чертежи где? 0

Leo commentsQantas- Boeing 737 MAX-8 RC Airplane build video by Ramy RC 23 april 2018 in 21:48

Het bro, how can I find plans?
Thank you.

RC Plane Poster commentedPrint and fly. PAF 14 april 2018 in 19:03

Sorry. The files are laid out as is.

Koen commentsPrint and fly. PAF 13 april 2018 in 22:21


I want to try and print your design! Is it possible to get some sort of 3d software files? as i want to open them in Fusion to combine some of the parts so i have to glue less components together en get a stronger wing that way. I have a print height of 30cm so the wing sections can be a lot bigger. But i cannot combine the STL files in fusion as i get a mesh error.

Thanks in advance!!


Kostas comments3D Foamy F-18 21 december 2017 in 13:59

Thank you so much for share those plans mate really appreciate it! 0
How to make video

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How to make a cardboard airplane properly

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3D Printed Rc Plane and fun at the airfield

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Drone Theory 101:The basics, and how an fpv quadcopter functions!

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how to make flying tubular plane

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Large RC Plane Build Video Piper Cub DIY Ply Model Students Professionals

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Holly stone HS210 Mini Drone Review

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