Комментарии пользователей (264)

Karl commentsMako Sea Plane 20 february 2023 in 14:41

Are there any instructions to follow? 0

Roman commentsSu-57 (PAK FA T-50) 18 february 2023 in 07:05

Where the plans ?? 0

flo commentsCrobe 17 february 2023 in 23:45

Is this printed with PLA or LW-PLA?? 0

RC Plane Poster commentedExtra 330 Hobby DW (KIT) 30 january 2023 in 12:42

Sorry. The product has been sold out.

RC Plane Poster commentedCessna L-19 30 january 2023 in 12:37

Sorry. The product has been sold out.

ramnishv commentsBuilding an RC Airplane! 14 january 2023 in 18:24

Is there a plan of this plane anywhere? 0

Demetrius Vasconcelos commentsHopper 13 january 2023 in 21:05

Congratulations on your model airplanes.
All of them are amazing.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.
Hugs from Brazil.

Koel commentsWarthog 11 january 2023 in 21:21

Are there any assembly instruction or photo's. and even an electrical recommendation guide for this build?
What motors are best suited for this model?

Khem Singh commentsBixler 11 january 2023 in 06:10

What about CG for this plane 0

pablitous commentsExtra 330 Hobby DW (KIT) 9 january 2023 in 04:03

I cant download the plans, anyone has them? Thank you in advance 0

Evgen commentsWorking instructions Extra 300 – 3D Printable 29 december 2022 in 14:35

in this case, I upload the .stl file to autodesk fusion 360 and edit the model there.;-) 0

BaTTaN commentsTrottelDecker 27 december 2022 in 10:36

Plans only have A1 and A4 in the download. Should there be an A2 and A3?? 0

Ben commentsF-117 Nighthawk 20 december 2022 in 02:00

Looks like the F-117 build RC Powers did years ago! His plans were great! I still use them!! 0

Slavko Genčić commentsBi Stick RC Airplane 18 december 2022 in 19:58

Idealan model za početnike .Nije komplikovan za izradu.s8a 0

Anit commentsMX-2 6 december 2022 in 16:52

I want know how can I get Mx2 assembly instruction manual in English language.

Алексей commentsExtra 330 mini 6 december 2022 in 16:50

можете инструкцию по сборке скинуть? 0

Tilius commentsPiper Cub Micro 4 december 2022 in 03:15

What sort of tape and clear film are u using. Looks like cling wrap, not so sure about the red tape, very well put together post, ta. 0

viki commentsRC Plane F- 22 Raptor fly MAKE IN INDIA 24 november 2022 in 20:23

good rc plane 0

welly widjijantono commentsPiuma Mini 23 november 2022 in 09:18

really you can get 30gram ? 0

Hans commentsExtra 330 16 november 2022 in 02:18

Nice plane but I might have a newbee question. eg I have 45 dxf files for making 3mm plywood parts. How do I place these 45 parts/files in one file, so I can laser cut it afterwards. I plan to use DeepNest for this task. 0
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